I’ve climbed a fine stand alone problem on a small outcrop in the vicinity of Slate Knott, some 500m from the summit of Hardknott Pass and a 10 minute walk from the layby on the east side of the pass summit. Crag GPS coordinates: 54.406072, -3.181758.
Above the Lore (7B+), is a tasty highball, which tackles the highest, steepest section of rock, starting sitting just right of a dirty gully on a low, blocky jug. From here pull up and press diagonally right for a metre or so, before heading straight up – climbing the slight rib using thin holds on the wall to the right. There is also a pleasant traverse (7A) which starts as per AtL, but for this one, once pulled up traverse rightwards, to eventually finish above a broken column, leaning against the crag – 7m to the right.
This small outcrop is generally pretty broken, but this and the traverse utilise a tower of good, steep rock. The picnic perfect grassy base offers a decent landing and magnificent views of Wrynose and the Duddon- not bad for being nearly roadside.