At the Cam Crag Boulders, of upper Langstrath, I’ve added a number of new lines to Pete Gunn’s original circuit. The best of these was a cool problem (and variation) situated on a block just below the start of the eponymous scramble, Cam Crag Ridge:
Lucky Strike (8A) is a tough and engaging problem out of the small cave. Start sitting at an in-cut sidepull and make a hard move to a tilted edge in the roof. Navigate the lip to a line of edges and a wide LH sidepull, before making a tough throw for the lip and top out direct. An alternate finish, which moves left into the slight groove at the lip and finishes up this on small holds, is Lucky Dip, a less explosive 7C+.
As well as bunch of lower grade climbs, also of note was The Elbow Room (7B+) a cool and sustained problem which traverses the obvious shelf on the back of the Little Slab, starting on the arete on left side of the cave entrance and finishing up the prow.