Andi Smith, Callum Amos and Rhys Whitehouse have climbed a quartet of neat looking new problems at the Peel Crag Boulders, in the Duddon Valley.

First up, Andi Smith added The Gift (7B+). This is located on a block up from the river as you walk in – lodged within the first wall as you approach the main sector along the river. Description goes as follows: start on small edges under the main part of the roof, span to a good crimp near the lip and follow this via a series of compression moves and the big jug to the apex of the boulder.
Elsewhere, Callum Amos and Rhys Whitehouse cleaned up the obvious egg shaped block, 30m up and right of the Netherworld Tower. Here they add the following:
- Cracked Egg (6A+) Start sitting at the base of the big crack and make your way up via a tricky move to the right arete. Sticking to the crack all the way adds some serious no fall spice at 6C (not recommended).
- Blunt Force Trauma (6C+) Start crouched on a big RH flake and a LH flatty, make a powerful slap to a sloper and a small flake, make a cool move up and left to the lip and top out direct with some caution.
- Death For Our Sins (7A+) Start as for Blunt Force Trauma, but after the first move make a large span/dyno up and right to the big side pull. Trend up and right to the crack with some techy moves at height.